Tasks of a nursing assistant.
In addition to carrying out daily basic care, taking into account the activation of the residents, including preparatory and follow-up work, you will support the nursing personnel in preparing care histories and care plans. Bedding and positioning residents is just as much a part of your activities as dressing and undressing them. You motivate and mobilise the residents* taking into account the individual care planning and perform treatment care according to medical orders.
Additional tasks:
- Handing out food and drinks
- Giving food and drinks to residents in need of assistance
- Preparing and administering feeding tubes
- Cleaning up after meals
- Providing small snacks
- Observing, recognising and assessing the condition of and changes in residents as well as passing on observations in written and/or verbal form; these must be made available to the nursing personnel directly and in full.
- Undertaking the proper problem- and resource-oriented documentation
- Informing and advising residents about matters that directly impact them.
- Informing the residents about nursing measures
- Advising and instructing residents, e.g. with regard to personal hygiene, etc.
- Promoting contacts and mutual help between residents
- Motivating residents to participate in events and therapeutic offers
- Informing and advising relatives
- Helping to initiate immediate measures in the event of an emergency or illness
- Notifying relatives of seriously ill and dying patients
Helping to introduce and train new personnel, assessing the performance of personnel and trainees and creating a good working atmosphere are also your tasks. Comprehensive gathering and passing on of information to personnel and superiors, the completion of complete service handover reports and active participation in meetings and events round off your varied range of tasks.